Discipleship For Christ partnered with a local pastor in Iran to help them start an orphanage. We serve young boys and girls who struggle to survive under the most desperate circumstances.
Feb 2021
I was Hungry
I was cold
I was scared
I slept under the houses
I was alone
But then...
You sponsored me
I am safe
I am happy
I am confident
I am strong
I get to play
I get to eat
I get to go to school
I have a family
I have a bed
Now, I am a daughter
Now, I am a son
Psalm 1:1-3
I know God will bless me because I do not live like the rest of the world. Instead, my delight is in God's word. I know that I am a child of God. A tree will start out small, but if one loves God and seeks his ways, he is like a tree by a stream. If there is little rain, then only the trees near the stream will grow. The stream represents the ways of God and love for God. “which yields its fruit in season…” This will be a fruitful tree.
In this video shows that our team serving these children. When you support this orphanage you are providing full, 24/7 care for a child in a Christ-centered family environment. Together, we are raising these children in a life-giving, Christ-honoring environment that will put them on a course to fulfill their God-given purpose in life.